Interview with Directors Notes

“When I started constructing characters and story details, everything became a metaphor for that greater contradicting idea. The endless cycle of comfortable dysfunction.”

@simone_moon_girl shares how she created a hallucinogenic sequence, featuring bold overlays, colour switches and backward dialogue, for ‘The Möbius Trip’ — documenting a family road trip that spirals deliriously out of control. We also discuss the difficulties of shooting inside a car, using improvisational play to create lived-in family dynamics and being inspired by the primal nature of motherhood.” Full article here.

Chicago Underground Film Festival

Strange masked girl against red wall background with Chicago Underground Film Festival laurels.

Crazy honoured to announce that The Möbius Trip has been officially selected to screen at the Chicago Underground Film Festival !!! 🇺🇸 The longest-running underground film festival in the world 💎 

The Chicago Underground Film Festival is an annual international festival dedicated to the exhibition of underground and avant-garde cinema, video, and performance. Their mission is to promote films and videos that dissent radically in form, technique, or content from the indie mainstream and to present adventurous works that challenge and transcend commercial and audience expectations.

“What you get for your money is not just admission to the films but admission to a subculture” - Roger Ebert

Bryan Wendorf, CUFF Founder, “Our goal is to select and screen works that push the boundaries and focus on filmmakers who are shaking things up and exploring new approaches to established practices.”

Taila Howe, CUFF Producer, “Everything cool starts in the underground. And then mainstream catches on, and then it’s really not that cool anymore.”

Loving this festival HARD! 😻 Thank you CUFF 💝 

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